mercredi 9 mars 2011

Mortal Kombat 9 Demo!!!!

Even if this Demo was released today, I should have posted the news at 1 AM when I saw it, but I had just came back from the movies with a friend and XDD--- OH True,  Back to the main subject.


I'm definitly not the MK fan I used to be, but this seems like the game that will bring me back into the series. I don't need to explain MK 9 to you guys, everyone knows what it's like lol. So far the demo is only available to PSN Plus users ( Fucking marketing I know ) and will be available to regular users on march 15.

Hey guys, just a few days! keep it up!

Here's a teaser trailer for you guys. Definitly give MK 9 a try! I will anyway =)

Looks promising!!

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