dimanche 20 novembre 2011

Pixelated Blood! Almost 2 hours of fatalities and goodness

8 months later, this video still kicks ass, so damn worth a watch for any fighting game enthusiast out there, ENJOY!

samedi 19 novembre 2011

Guile's theme goes with EVERYTHING...ONCE AGAIN! ;)

I just couldn't stop laughing.... I had tears, I had cramps, but who cares, this is hilarious

When fighting games take over reality XD one must survive the fall and go home to be a family man!

Look at his FLASH KICK at 0:45, he landed but felt dizzy, I guess the stairs AND the air recovery was too much -laughs-

mardi 15 novembre 2011

Sorry for no new posts in the past few days

Been busy, lame excuse, horrible truth,  It's alright now! expect new stuff to be posted today :)

mardi 8 novembre 2011

Interview with Yoshinori Ono - NO Super SF X T ? YAY! -Read-


First of all, let me tell you guys that there's a new Yoshinori Ono interview available for you readers concerning SF X T.

I'm mainly posting this news because a certain part of the interview filled me with joy. By reading the interview, you'll see that Yoshinori Ono confirms that there will be no 'Super' or 'Ultimate' version to SF X Tekken and that we'll be getting our updates on the game itself!

YES! That means that we won't be exloited for our money like they're trying to do with UMvC3. Before even raging on me for saying this, watch this video by AngryJoe. He FULLY explains why it's a BAD thing we're getting UMvC3 instead of receiving the FREE DLC that we were originally PROMISED for the original release of the game, and why this 'update' lacks in content for a RETAIL GAME.
After watching this video, will you still pay 40$ (Plus? )  for that game?

Anyway, good news we'll be getting all our stuff in DLC, at first I was thinking 'wait for the SUPER update of the original SF X T' game, but apparently I won't have to!


SF 3rd Strike Online, Parry #10 analysis

I've had alot of my friends complaining about how it was too hard to achieve challenge #10 in the trials. The trial made from famous and fascinating Justin-Daigo moment, where Ken parried all of Chun Li's attacks and changed the course of the match.

Parrying in Third Strike takes some 'getting used to' and even I still can't do it perfectly, in the heat of a match, your timing isn't always 100% perfect.

But since this is a trial with infinites tries, I want you guys to take a good look at how Daigo does it ( again ) with one hand.

Sure the one hand is amazing, but notice that he taps 'foward' before Chun-Li even reaches him.

In case most of you didn't notice, yes, it's essential, that first parry is what's going to decide if you succeed or not. I've seen people try it in vain, and when they finally saw Daigo doing it, they managed to achieve it!

Just a small cheer and hope for those who claim that Trial #10 is 'unfair' or 'impossible'. I hope this can encourage any of you guys to give it yet another try.

AWW YEAH! Relius Clover Combo samples and more stuff..

Sorry if I'm a bit late for this, anyway, here it is

 Oooooh maan.... And while I'm at it, I wanted you guys to see this, still related to Blazblue, a bit old, but totally worth seeing. This is simply awesome.

Blazblue.... I love you!

dimanche 6 novembre 2011

50 New screenshots for Tekken 3D : Prime Edition !

Tekken looking as sharp as ever in new screenshots for this 3DS game coming next year! Now it would be ridiculous for me to upload ALL 50 Screen Shots into this blogpage, so I'll give you guys a small preview and then link you to TFG ( Fighters Generation ) where Frank Yagami has uploaded all 50 into a page. 

Visit Franki Yagami's

For a fair share of all 50 screenshots.

Hilarious - Virtua Fighter 5 noob has it coming!

I couldn't help but laugh, because what happened is easily performable. it's a sad fact that the opponent can escape like this.

He did it all with a hand in his pocket

And this is why Yamazaki is so awesome ;)

The tales of the Dodging Vega

I found this a while ago, worth sharing with you guys, made me dig the good old SF2 again...

Ryu VS X5 Sigma ? XD

Gotta love these mods... This is a tribute to the boss of Megaman X5's intro stage. Where the player had to face Sigma's head.


Seeing combos like this makes me wanna try them... -turns on SvC- Seriously I gotta try it

Impressively epic King Of Fighters 99' Dual Kyo Match 1P VS CPU

Check this out guys, this is how KOF is meant to be played.

My oh my, aren't fightning games great in the hands of skilled players...

mardi 22 mars 2011

mercredi 16 mars 2011

DAY 2 Of the MK 9 DEMO - IT ROCKS!

What made me an MK fan years ago seems to be back now....ABOUT DAMN TIME MIDWAY!

Following Review is from a player who played with an Arcade Stick.

When I was a still a kid, grade 8, I had MK deception for the PS2, I quickly became obsessed with it, what a fun game this was. I quickly became a huge fan I must say, but the following games after MK:Deception were a REAL deception.

Was that some warning/advertising midway? lol

MK Armageddon...
MK VS DC -Blaaargh- <-- This is what made me give up on the franchise honestly, I was SO deceived.

But now comes MK9. I finally had the chance to play the Demo last night, since I was busy with real life and stuff. So I turn'd my PS3 on and downloaded the demo, and ultimately started playing...and WAMMM!! Right when you open the menu you have Scorpion punching the crap out of Sub-Zero -laughs-. Just the style that the menu adopted was awesome compared to it's predecessors. Anyway, after laughing for a moment I went to pick my character, I started as Sub-Zero.

Noooooow.. I knew that the gameplay was back to it's 2D roots, but what was I supposed to expect? All I thought back then was 'Wow, it looks amazing!'

Round 1 - FIGHT!!!
''Oh yes yes yes! Back dash, foward dash,''
'' Sub-Zero's move list is really well done and complete''
''Typical 2D action is finally back!''

Those were my thoughts during the first 40 seconds, then I started laughing my ass off simply because it was hilarious. When you mash (1) ( Square for PS3 ) Sub-Zero gives his opponent some particular 'Bitch Slap'. This amusing motion made me spam this attack on my opponent for the first round, I then began to explore the controls a bit more. I took at look at the bottom of the screen aaaaannnd what am I seeing?

A 3 bar system for special moves? Great, but what happens when it's full?Well there goes your answer.

When the 3 bars are full, you press R2 and L2 simultaniously to perform the X-Ray moves, which are pretty brutal in their own way. -laughs-

In conclusion, Mortal Kombat is FINALLY back to what made MK....well, MK after all. The demo is simply amazing, and I'm still playing it as I write this post -pauses game-. I'm totally picking this up in april, and if you're a fighitng game fan, an MK fan or even, any type of gamer out there, casual like hardcore, MK 9 seems to be a great experience, definitly download this demo, it's tons of fun for free, the typical MK feeling is there, the soundtracks is great! Remakes of the old songs! And the gameplay is absolutely fantastic! I recommend this to anyone who wants to play something simple and entertaining.

Was it worth the wait? Worth the hype? Absolutely! I think this game might make me return to the fan I once was.

mardi 15 mars 2011


Title says it pretty much, depending on your country and stupid crap like that you'll have to wait a few hours...but anyway, it's becoming available to all non PSN'+ users today! I'll post my personal review soon!

vendredi 11 mars 2011


This is officialy my favorite Boxart of all time, for it is so beautiful. Yep! We're talking about Dead Or Alive Dimensions! The portable Fighting Game I expect the most! This post won't reveal much, you guys can check Fighters Generation to see the official art and such, but I feel like it was totally worth posting the boxart.

Kasumi's hair is just wonderful on that cover, wonderful I tell ya. Good job with Ryu too! The following makes a kick ass wallpaper!

jeudi 10 mars 2011


Today, Arc System Works has officialy announced that they are working on a new Blazblue title for Playstation 3 & Xbox 360. info reported by Eurogamer.

TOASTY! from the Classic MK returns for MK 9 !

Hey guys! Remember that dude from the classic MK games who pop'd in and yell 'TOASTY!' Everytime you chained an uppercut? That was Dan Forden from Netherrealm Studios, and this epic dude makes his return in MK9, with this footage that prooves it :) RIGHT from the PSN Demo guys!

mercredi 9 mars 2011

Mortal Kombat 9 Demo!!!!

Even if this Demo was released today, I should have posted the news at 1 AM when I saw it, but I had just came back from the movies with a friend and XDD--- OH True,  Back to the main subject.


I'm definitly not the MK fan I used to be, but this seems like the game that will bring me back into the series. I don't need to explain MK 9 to you guys, everyone knows what it's like lol. So far the demo is only available to PSN Plus users ( Fucking marketing I know ) and will be available to regular users on march 15.

Hey guys, just a few days! keep it up!

Here's a teaser trailer for you guys. Definitly give MK 9 a try! I will anyway =)

Looks promising!!

mardi 8 mars 2011

FINAL FIGHT DOUBLE IMPACT! - My current addiction!

Wow! Well first of all I'm really happy to post about Final Fight double impact on the Playstation 3 and XBOX 360. I'm sure most of you out there are familiar with CAPCOM's classic Beat Em Up series, Final Fight, that was originally an arcade game that got ported on the SNES ( Tho there was Mighty Final Fight on the NES ).

Anyway, Final Fight Double Impact, basically is the Arcade versions, of Final Fight 1 and Magic Sword, thus the name, 'double' impact. Both games are playable online with remixed music which is REALLY Good!

Now this is another game that has been out for a while, but I felt that I should post about it in case some people out there might have been curious about it. So let's talk about the remixed Final Fight 1 version!

I played Final Fight as a kid, tho back then I did not give it much importance because I was more addicted to Final Fight 3, it had better graphics, better gameplay, better everything in a way, but when I saw Double Impact on PSN, I just had to buy it, first because it was Final Fight, and second, because even if it wasn't the third one, Final Fight STILL kicks ass!!!

This game let's you play as 3 characters.

- Mike Haggar : a wrestler who is also the mayor of Metro city. Mike's daughter got kidnapped and now he goes to rescue her.
- Cody:  a Street Fighter who is her lover.
- Guy : a Ninjitsu master who is one of her friends.

Guy and Cody are Famous characters who appeared in a few Street Fighter games, they are pretty well known actually.

Final Fight's gameplay's your typical side-scolling beat em up game, but let me tell you that it unique in it's own way. I started playing this game while barely remembering anything of it when I played this game as a kid. It was like playing this game for the first time all over again! and I consider it a luck. Each characters have their own moves and abilities. Haggar moves slow but to compensate, he is really strong, and is the best for grabs. Cody is well balanced, moves around fast and his good offense. Guy is the fastest I would say, and his moves plays pretty much like codys even if they are completly different.

Guy and Cody are pretty special in this game, because they can perform what is known by the fans as 'Infinite Jab'. The infite jab is when you jab twice, turn around, jab twice, turn around, repeat and repeat. Personally, as Guy, I hit 3 times, turn around, 3 times again, turn around and repeat.

This 'glitch' or trick, allows you to kill any enemy as you manage to keep this move going. I kill all the bosses like this and it's quite hilarious. it works so well that you can take on Stage 3's bosses ( They are usually 4 when you play online ) at all once with this one combo.

This video, played in the SNES version of the game shows it pretty well, look around 0:50, you can see a perfect example right over there. The guy obivously uses a turbo controller, but you don't need one to perform this trick, and you don't need to mash the attack button so much :P.

To conclude, Final Fight is only 6 stages, but it's one great experience and it's lots of fun in Co-Op, pick a partner and show those bad guys who's boss! I personally used to beat this game over and over and over again ( I Still do.... lol ) but even if you play it once or twice, it's a great experience none the less, and definitly worth buying on PSN or XBOXLA.

Now let's have a look at Magic Sword! The OTHER Arcade game included in the package!

Here goes another 2D side-scrolling game, that somehow reminds me of Castlevania for it's visual desgins. The game let's you play as 2 heros (Co-Op), who are on a quest to defeat the Darklord who threatens to destroy the world, somehow a typical plot, but somehow, a really great game!

Basically what you do is that you roam around in a castle that has 51 floors. Your mission is the reach the top floor where you will meet the darklord which you want to kill. Each floor has it's own design, and from time to time there are prisoners which you can set free, using keys you'll find in treasure chests, and in exchange they will give you their aid / assistance throughout the game. As you venture into the castle, you will sometimes find shorcuts using special keys. These shortcuts will make you skips a few floors, making your quest a little shorter, but still as fun!

Here's a short gameplay video showing a bit of the game and what it looks like. it's definitly a great game to try out if you purchase Final Fight Double Impact. it's another piece of fun, and you can't go wrong with this one, it'll always be fun as long as you have somebody to play with.

in conclusion, both games are REALLY great classics imported to the Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 video game consoles, updated with remixed musics and online play. There are achivements and trophies to unlock, depending on which console you are using, and there is also the 'vault' which is a list of challenges you can attempt when you feel like it. Both games have great Co-Op and replay value, I own Double Impact since months and I still play it to this day, like an addicted maniac. -This infinite jab sure it addicting to do! my fingers hurt so much!-

I'll leave you guys with a sample of Final Fight Double Impact's remixed music.
That's one famous Final Fight theme right over there, I don't think I need to introduce it to you guys!

Great drums! This is the BAY STAGE! 5-A

Thanks for reading guys! and I hope you definitly look into Final Fight Double Impact!

There was also a press kit which was available in limited quantity, and it sold pretty quickly. But I think it's still worth showing you guys!

It's the Final Fight Double Impact Press Kit! Do you guys recognize one of thosse barrels that you break in the game? :)

Now sure you guys have a nice idea from the picture what this barrel contains, but I found a great great video, that actually shows and explains all these AMAZING items one by one! it's absolutely worth checking out!

It's a video from HappyConsoleGamer! A gamer who I have alot of admiration and respect for! Enjoy!!!

lundi 7 mars 2011

Let's begin! - Out shined game, Resonance Of Fate

Today I'm going to talk about an RPG that's available on the XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3. It's called Resonance Of Fate.

Now this game has been out for quite some time now and even if it made it's own reputation, I still feel the need to talk about it, because it's one of those great games that never gets the attention it deserves, because it's somehow out shined by other games of the same genre.

Developed by the Japanese team called Tri-Ace and published by the famous company SEGA. Resonance Of Fate is an Action-Based RPG that uses a Gun-Driven battle system for it's game play, basically you control 3 characters *that are almost like chess pieces in battle* which you can customize as this game offers huge possibilities in customization! It is so detailed that you can make the characters unrecognisable from their original design.

 - From left to right on the picture  - Those 3 characters are: Zephyr, Leanne and Vashyron

Zephyr, Age 17 - Several years ago he was involved in an incident, which resulted in him meeting Vashyron who had been contracted to subdue him. He now makes a living as a member of Vashyron's squad. He is very arrogant and introverted.

Leanne, Age 21 - A young lady that lives together with Zephyr and Vashyron. She met Zephyr while she tried taking her life ( commit suicide ) and has joined Vashyron's hunter squad. She is a serene and loving person who has no shame in yelling at her two friends when she feels the need to.

Vashyron, Age 26 - Makes a living as leader of a squad of Hunters taking on a variety of contract missions for reward money. He was the only survivor on the losing side of a large scale assault under the command of a Cardinal, but he rarely speaks of these events. He is portrayed as an uncaring macho or 'tough guy' individual, but deep down inside he endures a guilty conscience and cares for his friends.

Now that you've been introduced to the characters, let's have a look at the game play, here's some really basic game play, from the XBOX 360 Japanese version of Resonance Of Fate called End Of Eternity. It shows a battle in the arena. The Arena is a place where you can go and take on a list of challenges, complete them and win reward!

Of course this game play is pretty basic so don't think that this is what the entire game is about. You can free-roam in the world of Resonance Of Fate -RoF-. A mechanical world that switches from day to night as you spend time exploring indoor and outdoor. You have side-quests you can take when you want, and one special feature is that you CHOSE when you advance in the story, so you can stay in the same chapter to finish your quests, take your time and take it easy :)

Now how about we take a look at the soundtrack for this game?

Wow! just wow! it's a metal / rock soundtrack! it never ceases to please! Here's a preview for you guys, definitely look for more on YouTube if you feel curious! How about we take a look at one of the many battle themes this game has?

In conclusion...

I hope I've got some of you interested in this fabulous game that is Resonance Of Fate. it's a really great game for any RPG fanatic out there, but be warned, it's extremely challenging at some point, but definitely worth all the time and effort you put into it. Great game in my opinion. You can't go wrong with it!

If I was to give this game a rating out of 10. It would be a very well earned 7.9 / 10
The story can be a bit confusing if you are not used to this genre of games, the difficulty can cause one to want to tear off their own hair at times, making you wish the combat system was more developed and less redundant in its content. Speaking of redundant, the creators could have made the world a bit more exciting to explore.

Despite its many flaws, If you feel this game resonates with your fate, you should give it a go!

Written by : Guillaume Arseneau

Hey Hey! Welcome to my blog guys!

Hey everyone who's reading! SeraphXion Here! Welcome to my blog, I'm really happy to have started this, and it's going to be a 100% dedicated to gaming, my biggest passion in life. Here I'll be posting

News - With videos, images
Reviews - I will tell you guys about some great games! No hate coming from me! I'm one of those gamers who wants to tell the world why those games are good!
Everyday posts - Showing you guys videos, cool pictures or even music / remixes I've found
More stuff? - it'll come eventually.

Also, if you guys wonder if I have a youtube account, I do! it's http://www.youtube.com/user/SeraphXion1
( SeraphXion1) Definitly not much videos there for now, but you guys can always add me as a friend or post comments down below to show your support, or even let me know what you think about certains games!

You guys can also add me on PSN and follow me on Twitter.

For PSN, I'm online very often, I mostly play Fighting games but feel free to compare our trophies so you can know which games I own!

PSN: SeraphXion
Twitter: SeraphXion - http://twitter.com/SeraphXion

Thanks for reading my first entry! I'm looking foward to get my blow into motion! Until next time!